109 Quotes About Homeschooling
- Author Kathy Oaks
You can homeschool whether you loved school, hated school, or were somewhere in the middle.
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- Author Austin Fagothey
Our discussion has been about education and not about schools, for schooling is only a means, and not always an absolute necessary one, toward education. Parents had the duty of educating their children long before there were any schools, and the duty would remain were all schools abolished. Even today, if the parents have the ability and the leisure to give adequate instruction to their children at home, they have no moral obligation to send them to school at all. (p. 436)
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- Author Tamara L. Chilver
Successful teaching is not head-to-head; it is heart-to-heart.
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- Author Louise Dickinson Rich
One of the most important parts of education is learning to get along with other people.
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- Author Alfie Kohn
Many of our elected officials have virtually handed the keys to our schools over to corporate interests. Presidential commissions on education are commonly chaired by the executives of large companies.
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- Author Brian Huskie
I’m sure if Socrates were alive today, and had to sit through even a single meeting discussing how to use data to inform instruction, he’d kill himself all over again.
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- Author Brian Huskie
It was my assumption that skilled teachers spent their days imparting important and meaningful knowledge to eager students. I also believed, as many of you do, that I didn’t remember or wasn’t good at the things we learned in high school because I didn’t pay close enough attention or didn’t work hard enough.
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- Author Brian Huskie
How many of us have read history, and shook our heads and puffed our chest, and said, “If I were alive during that period, I would never have done those things to those people!” Yet here we are, doing those things to those people.
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- Author Brian Huskie
Know what you’re working toward and eliminate debt, so that if you change your mind later it doesn’t kill you to know you have a hundred thousand dollar biology degree hanging in the kitchen of the tapas restaurant you just opened.
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