394 Quotes About Humor-inspirational
- Author Christina Scalise
Life is way too short, so try to enjoy every minute of it with a sense of humor!
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- Author E.A. Bucchianeri
...it’s just another one of those things I don’t understand: everyone impresses upon you how unique you are, encouraging you to cultivate your individuality while at the same time trying to squish you and everyone else into the same ridiculous mould. It’s an artist’s right to rebel against the world’s stupidity.
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- Author E.A. Bucchianeri
... an artist should paint from the heart, and not always what people expect. Predictability often leads to the dullest work, in my opinion, and we have been bored stiff long enough I think.
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- Author Tom Cooper
Whoever said that money didn't buy happiness was a damn fool. A damn fool who'd never been poor.
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- Author Dean Graziosi
Getting wealthy may not cure every problem, but it sure can cure a lot of them.
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- Author Zoƫ Marriott
To ugly ducklings everywhere,Don't worry about those fluffy yellow morons:They'll never get to be swans
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- Author Jim Carrey
Life doesn't happen to you. It happens for you.
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- Author Michelle Frost
I’m fine with waving my naked soul at people one-on-one, but flop badly with trust and hate change. Leaps of faith give me ulcers.
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- Author Anas Khan (Tech Savvy)
Don't bore the universe.
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