133 Quotes About Icons

  • Author Madeleine L'Engle
  • Quote

    The figure in the icon is not meant to represent literally what Peter or John or any of the apostles looked like, or what Mary looked like, nor the child, Jesus. But, the orthodox painter feels, Jesus of Nazareth did not walk around Galilee faceless. The icon of Jesus may not look like the man Jesus two thousand years ago, but it represents some *quality* of Jesus, or his mother, or his followers, and so becomes an open window through which we can be given a new glimpse of the love of God.

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  • Author Pavel Florensky
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    Художник, по невежествыу воображающий, будто без канонической формы он сотворит великое, подобен пешеходу, которому мешает, по его мнению, твердая почва и который мнит, что вися в воздухе, он ушел бы дальше, чем по земле. На самом же деле такой художник, отбросив форму совершенную, бессознательно хватается за обрывки и обломки тоже форм, но случайных и несовершенных, и к этим-то бессознательным реминисценциям притягивает эпитет «творчества».

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  • Author Irina Yazykova
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    One might well conceive all of human history as the story of humankind's journey from beauty lost to beauty gradually sought and regained. Never, over the centuries, has the human need for beauty been extinguished...Art, somehow removed from the practical demands of everyday life, reveals that our kinship is not with the biological world only; it is also with the spiritual world.

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  • Author Negin Farsad
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    Culture creates awareness around issues, it entertains and saddens, it can encourage commitment to a social contract or strengthen personal hygiene in public. Culture is that powerful. Culture creates the icons we follow, that we see ourselves in, that we orient ourselves toward. It's culture that tells us to love or hate, accept or tolerate, embrace or reject.

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