204 Quotes About Immortal
- Author Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
The gods are immortal and who are saying so? Human beings are saying so. They hoped to become immortal by creating imaginary deities. In Upanishads we see that the Rishis are praying ‘Take me from death to immortality’. They are not praying for the imaginary deities, they are praying for themselves. The Vedic Rishis or sages were also human beings, and so they are praying for immortality of the human beings.
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- Author Hesham Nebr
حياتنا ستكون خالدة كغيرنا بمعرفتنا كواكب المجموعة الشمسية ....و العمل علي معرفة تكويننا !!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
If a choice is given to us between being mortal and being immortal, you will find no one in the group of mortals!
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- Author John Kramer
We are all terminally mortal, but looking after each other will help us to become part of the immortal divine.
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- Author Hesham Nebr
Long live our principles ... Long live our lives ... And death for hell !! immortal immortal immortal
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
Art is our endless desire to turn the mortal things into the immortal things!
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- Author Girdhar Joshi
Love has nothing to do with marriage or one's marital status... love is immortal, love is forever, and love is age-less.
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- Author Ryan Graudin
Death — the aftermath of it — is a strange thing to watch from the pedestal of immortality. I've seen death in every way: as a thief in the night, as the heat of fever, as the lust of a warrior. Yet I've never really understood grief, or what it does to those left behind.But seeing Richard alone in the dark. It breaks away pieces of me. I'm a glacier, plunging, falling apart against the sea.
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
If man can fly, it won’t be something extraordinary! But if man can become immortal, now that will be extraordinary!
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