34 Quotes About Insparational

  • Author Iris van de Voort
  • Quote

    I love you to the moon and back is a nice thing to say as it means you love someone a hell of a lot but it is not enough to express what I feel for you. The moon is actually visible and the distance to the moon and back is caculatable so in a way limited. So what about I love you to beyond the universe and back instead. It just comes closer to what I feel for you than "to the moon and back".

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  • Author Sajal Ahmed
  • Quote

    There is no man who does not cry much. There will not be any people who will laugh more than crying. Basically the intensity of grief or weight is billions of times more than laughing. Therefore, it seems as though the happier moments of life than the sad moments of life have got more sorrow.

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