87 Quotes About International
- Author Sarina Samaya
Wird die Übertragung als allgegenwärtiges Phänomen jeglicher Beziehungen und Interaktionen betrachtet, so findet sie sowohl zwischen zwei Personen als auch Personen-gruppen oder Nationen statt. Die unbewussten Anteile der Beteiligten bilden einen weiteren Raum, in welchem sie in Kontakt treten.
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- Author Kate McVaugh
The TV screen switched back to a picture of the crime scene, just in time to capture footage of my bod being police escorted out of the building, my shirt unbuttoned sufficiently for the entire State of Israel to know that I wear pick lace, push-up bras.
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- Author زكي نجيب محمود
كلما ضاقت دائرة أهتمامات الناس في مجتمع ما جاءت صحفهم ملونة بلون إقليمي محلي أنها نشرات أما إذا إتسع الأفق و إرتفعت الثقافة نشرت الصحب بالتالي شِباكها حول العالم وأهملت الصغائر من أخبار الأفراد
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- Author Montaigne
Each man calls barbarism whatever is not his own practice.
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- Author William Voegeli
The United States, with the greatest ability and the weakest desire to finance a welfare state, winds up in the middle of the pack in terms of the absolute value of the resources devoted to it. By 2003...America's per capita Public Expenditures were greater than those in Japan, Spain, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, while lower than those in Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Denmark and Sweden.
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- Author Alan Brazil
Belgium's not a hotpot of international football
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