747 Quotes About Intimacy
- Author richard brautigan
We walked back to iDEATH, holding hands. Hands are very nice things, especially after they have travelled back from making love.
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- Author Gaston Bachelard
Baudelaire writes: In certain almost supernatural inner states, the depth of life is entirely revealed in the spectacle, however ordinary, that we have before our eyes, and which becomes the symbol of it." Here we have a passage that designates the phenomenological direction I myself pursue. The exterior spectacle helps intimate grandeur unfold.
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- Author Ian McEwan
When they kissed she immediately felt his tongue, tensed and strong, pushing past her teeth, like some bully shouldering his way into a room. Entering her.
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- Author Malcolm Bradbury
Most beds aren't as intimate as people think they are.
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- Author Jostein Gaarder
Možda se nijedna druga vrsta intimnosti ne može uporediti sa dva polgeda koja se susreću sa istom sigurnošću i odlučnošću i jednostavnošću odbijaju da se puste.
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- Author Reshall Varsos
Intimacy is not purely physical. It's the act of connecting with someone so deeply, you feel like you can see into their soul.
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- Author Elizabeth Wein
That is a terrifically intimate thing, you know? Letting a stranger light your cigarette. Leaning forward so he can hold a flame to your lips. Pausing to breathe in before you pull back again.
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- Author Junot Díaz
You can’t find intimacy—you can’t find home—when you’re always hiding behind masks. Intimacy requires a certain level of vulnerability. It requires a certain level of you exposing your fragmented, contradictory self to someone else. You running the risk of having your core self rejected and hurt and misunderstood.
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- Author Gail Carson Levine
I wished I could spend the rest of my life... being slightly crushed by someone who loved me.
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