81 Quotes About Irony-of-life
- Author Woody Allen
It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better [...] while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.
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- Author Henry Miller
The great incestuous wish is to flow on, one with time, to merge the great image of the beyond with the here and now. A fatuous, suicidal wish that is constipated by words and paralyzed by thought.
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- Author Ilsa J. Bick
You know, Bob, school is school, one of those life experiences we kids all have to get through in order to become you. Then we wonder what all the fuss was about, especially while we're cleaning up your little messes: toxic waste, war, bank bailouts. Honestly, if we ran up debt the way you guys do? You'd ground us, take away our cells, and make us clean toilets with a toothbrush until we'd pay back every penny.
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- Author Linda S. Godfrey
Hindsight is usually more tragic than helpful.
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- Author Lilly Spantidaki
Πενήντα χιλιάδες για να γράψω μια πληροφορία, κι ύστερα το όνομά μου θα μείνει στην ιστορία για πάντα ως ο "Χέρμπερτ Ντόσον που αποκάλυψε το σκάνδαλο του αιώνα". [..]. Άλλοι ξεχνάνε και τη μάνα τους για πενήντα χιλιάδες δολάρια...
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- Author Jo Walton
Aujourd’hui, rien.That’s what Louis XVI wrote in his diary on the day of the storming of the Bastille.
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- Author George Saunders
Kill every dog, every cat, she said slowly. Kill every mouse, every bird. Kill every fish. Anyone objects, kill them too.
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- Author Rich Hall
In Montana, a policeman will pull you over because he is lonely.
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- Author Amina Gautier
But one place ain't no different from no place else. People try and make it like everything's new only to find the devil done followed you wherever you moved and all you can do is hold him off whiles you catch your breath
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