146 Quotes About Judeo-christian-philosophy
Judeo-christian-philosophy Quotes By Author
- Author Timothy Leary
Just as every Hollywood picture is "put together" by producers, who are always in tight control of the enterprise and reap the lion's share of the profits, so is the Outlaw Industry managed by lawyers.
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- Author Sheila R. Vitale
2nd Thessalonians says that Christ Jesus will appear when the man of sin is revealed. If we could only receive the truth that the fallen First Adam has the nature of the Serpent, God would deliver us and reform us into His likeness (nature). Then we would understand why we will continue to be the enemies of God until our spirit is redeemed and our soul is adopted. But we have to recognize our fallen spiritual condition before the Son of God will appear in us.
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- Author Sheila R. Vitale
Our ability to keep the spiritual Law of God (a process that takes years) is in Christ Jesus. We receive that power when He dwells in us.
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- Author Sheila R. Vitale
Today Christ Jesus is in the process of nailing Himself to us, and when that process is complete, we will be completely reconciled to God. Our carnal mind, fallen Adam, will have been swallowed up, and our personality will no longer be fallen, or unclean, but will be dwelling in heavenly places with Christ Jesus.
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- Author Sheila R. Vitale
The penalty for sin is death. The simple fact that we die means there is sin in our lives - even when we are doing many good works. The only way we can enter into life is by receiving the life of Jesus Christ. He is the only righteous one, so it is by His Spirit indwelling us that we receive righteousness and life. Good works will not cut it. That is a spiritual law.
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- Author Sheila R. Vitale
God formed man from the dust of the ground, breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and Adam became a living soul.
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- Author Sheila R. Vitale
Jehovah Elohim formed a creation which is female in respect to His spiritual manhood. In like manner, Jesus Christ is marrying the Church, the Bride of Christ. Therefore, there must be something about our spiritual makeup that is female. We are getting married, and there will be spiritual offspring. Whether you are a man in the flesh, or a woman in the flesh, has nothing to do with your spiritual sex.
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- Author Sheila R. Vitale
There are three parts to the soul:Spirit (male)Soul (female)Breath (female).
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- Author Sheila R. Vitale
Satan is:(a) The evil spirit that continuously seduces fallen man to sin, and then becomes his accuser when he does sin, and(b) The good spirit that was overtaken by Satan and became the harlot of Revelation
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