134 Quotes About Katniss
- Author Suzanne Collins
Stay with me.Always.
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- Author Suzanne Collins
But for better or worse, I am not motivated by kindness.
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- Author Collins Suzanne
Ali sigurno razumije. Sigurno zna da se dogodilo nezamislivo, i da će preživljavanje iziskivati nekad nezamislive poteze. Jer više sati kasnije, kad se probudim u svom krevetu, na mjesečini vidim da je i on ondje. Šćućurio se pokraj mene, žute oči su mu na oprezu. Čuva me od noći.
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- Author Suzanne Collins
I pound on the glass, screaming my head off. Everyone ignores me except for some Capitol attendant who appears behind me and offers me a beverage.
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- Author Suzanne Collins
Plutarch rushes to reassure me. "Oh, no, Katniss. Not your wedding. Finnick and Annie's. All you need to do is show up and pretend to be happy for them.""That's one of the few things I won't have to pretend, Plutarch," I tell him.
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- Author Suzanne Collins
if he goes and dies on me now, I know I'll go completely insane.
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- Author Suzanne Collins
Yes, they have to have a victor. Without a victor, the whole thing would blow up in the Gamemakers' faces. They'd have failed the Capitol. Might possibly even be executed, slowly and painfully, while the cameras broadcast it to every screen in the country.
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- Author Suzanne Collins
Lunch makes me feel a bit better.
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- Author Suzanne Collins
What will break me into a million pieces so that I am beyond repair, beyond usefulness?
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