93 Quotes About Keep-moving-forward
- Author Germany Kent
A good business person knows how to develop boundaries that will help them minimize distractions and maximize their potential.
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- Author Germany Kent
You will be too much for some people. Those aren't your people.
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- Author Germany Kent
If you don't plant anything do not expect a harvest.
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- Author Germany Kent
Do not grow tired in the planting season. You are what you manifest.
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- Author Nicky Verd
Get use to rejection. No one starts from the bottom with applause or the word yes being heard often.
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- Author Seth Adam Smith
And so I tell you, restless one, that no matter what happens, when things get dark, look to the light, and keep moving forward in faith.
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- Author Marie Bostwick
I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. None of us does. That’s why we get up and go on because, until forever comes, you can’t stay where you are.
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- Author Germany Kent
Don't compare your journey to other people. You're not running their race.
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- Author Luis Cosajay
In the Past, People who had been repeating the same words from back then will make you understand.That's your weakness, causing Severe painful memories you had encountered back in the Past.In the future, say something different YOU haven't said before from the past to the present.That's their weakness, and the Past isn't useless, study it and it will shape your Future.
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