124 Quotes About Past-and-future

  • Author Ron Baratono
  • Quote

    Be excited for each new day. Sometimes hurt from our past, try to make its way into the start of a new day. We cannot live the past, only in our minds, so let go, no matter how hurtful. God wants us all to live in abundance, glorifying his love and our love for others. This day is a brand new day, a God given gift.

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  • Author Eleanor Brown
  • Quote

    There are times in our lives when we have to realize our past is precisely what it is, and we cannot change it. But we can change the story we tell ourselves about it, and by doing that, we can change the future.

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  • Author Paul Auster
  • Quote

    —Los pensamientos son reales —sentenció—. las palabras son reales. Todo lo humano es real, y aveces conocemos las cosas antes de que ocurran, aun cuando no seamos consientes de ello. Vivimos en el presente, pero el futuro está siempre en nosotros. Puede que el escribir se reduzca a eso, Sid. No a consignar los hechos del pasado, sino a hacer que ocurran cosas en el futuro.

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