88 Quotes About Kidnapping

  • Author B.J. Daniels
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    Remember what I told you about family secrets.” People will kill to keep them, she thought now as she looked at Marianne McGraw. The woman’s rocking didn’t change as Nikki stepped deeper into the room.

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  • Author Skye Callahan
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    Can't release her? The air caught in my chest, hardened, and refused to move. There was a good chance I wasn't making it out of this basement. The craziest thing I had ever done was ride some insane roller coaster at Cedar Point--and now that seemed like no big deal. I'd never been out of the country. Never played with my unborn niece.Never made amends with my parents and sister since our continued fighting began almost eight months earlier.

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  • Author Michael Prelee
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    Marla poked Duncan. He stepped forward. "Maybe I can help."Atomic Jack looked at him., his eyes glowed a sickening shade of radioactive orange. "I really don't see how." He slipped off his glove and his hand burst into small flames. The guy didn't yell though, or make out like he was in pain. He just grinned and showed a mouthful of orange teeth.

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  • Author Michael Prelee
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    Saji has had things done to people who crossed him or whom he has perceived as crossing him. Ugly things. These guys we're meeting? They think they're tough. They run book, own strip clubs, dabble in petty theft and probably sell dope for all I know and they're comfortable in that world, thinking they own it. That arrogance? That feeling that they can just push people around and do anything they want? It has left them with one foot in the grave and they don't even know it.

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  • Author Jean Baudrillard
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    We are dealing with a genuine Stockholm syndrome on a mass scale - when the hostage becomes the accomplice of the hostage taker - as well as a revolution of the concept of voluntary servitude and master-slave relations. When the entire society becomes an accomplice to those who took it hostage, but just as much when individuals split into, for themselves, hostage and hostage taker.

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