55 Quotes About Lies-politics
- Author AnonymousXgHOST
There will come a day when voters in America who want to continue calling themselves "conservatives" will also have to start calling themselves Neo-Liberal.In the future, it will be the NeoLiberal/DNC'onservatives/Neo Establishment VS The new progressive party that holds supermajority control.We are the keepers of the light.
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- Author AnonymousXgHOST
When someone says, "we've never been so divided as a country." What you should say is; that's not true, less than 70 years ago we had different drinking fountains for different colored people. But, we must also remember that when one side is marching hand-in-hand with proudboys neo-nazis in maga insurrectionist riots and Nazi racist rage. There is no "division. Now it's just about right or wrong...
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- Author AnonymousXgHOST
For anyone to suggest that the calling out and pointing out of racism and bigotry is in itself racism and bigotry is pathologically ignorant and morally malnourished.
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- Author AnonymousXgHOST
It's easy for Trump and his supporters to declare victory When they sit upon a throne of Lies.
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- Author Stewart Stafford
Honesty is the rarest commodity in the 21st century. No one looks to the political class or journalists for truth these days. The average Joe seems to spend most of their time peddling a ludicrous, flawless Facebook version of their lives. The peer pressure of political correctness forgoes truth for the sake of groupthink. It seems that comedians and writers represent the last bastion of candour out there today.
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
One of the greatest responsibilities for the people of our time is to accept everything that he hears in the pro-government media as a lie and to investigate the truth from independent sources personally!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
The politicians of your country will always try to encircle you with the high walls of lies! You must know that the truth is beyond the walls and without meeting the truth you cannot meet the freedom!
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- Author Frank Sonnenberg
Anybody who says, ‘I didn’t mean to lie’ is being dishonest.
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- Author Scarlet Jei Saoirse
The United States thrives off of feigned and factitious disorder. Have you ever wondered why that is?
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