1,682 Quotes About Long
- Author Steven Magee
I inadvertently had a very high dose of environmental transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) when commissioning a very high powered utility electronic power plant and I can assure you that it can do very strange things to your thinking and the effects last a very long time!
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- Author Richie Norton
If you’re waiting for a path to emerge magically before you actively start building your dream, you’re going to be waiting for an awfully long time.
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- Author James C. Dobson
Let me leave you with this thought, written by my father before he died. If you incorporate it into your system of values, it will serve as a worthy guide to the management of your sexual energy: Strong desire is like a river. As long as it flows within the banks of God’s will—be the current strong or weak—all is well. But when it overruns those boundaries and seeks its own channels, then disaster lurks in the rampage below.
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- Author Abiodun Fijabi
The road may be long, tortuous and wearied. But the resulting success is enduring, sure and sweet. The fool abandons hope in the wearied journey of life. The wise gets going - holding firmly to the promise of a better tomorrow. He that gives up too soon fails to understand that life rewards with success only those who cling on to hope against hope. Those who hope when it is unfashionable to hope.
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- Author Ruskin Bond
love is undying,of that I feel certain.I mean deep,abiding,cherishing love.The love that gives protection even as you,my guardian angel,gave me protection long after you had gone-and continue to give this very day...A love beyond Death-a love that makes Life alive!
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- Author Steven Magee
Your government is the biggest threat to the long term survival of your family.
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- Author D.S. Mixell
Although I understand that all days are equal with 24 hours each, most of us agree that Friday is the longest day of the week and Sunday the shortest!
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- Author Sanhita Baruah
Another day.How long are you gonna scroll down?SemicolonSmile
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- Author James Crumley
Nobody lives forever, nobody stays young long enough. My past seemed like so much excess baggage, my future a series of long goodbyes, my present an empty flask, the last good drink already bitter on my tongue.
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