4,061 Quotes About Loss
- Author Roland Barthes
To whom could I put this question (with any hope of an answer)? Does being able to live without someone you loved mean you loved her less than you thought...?
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- Author Rachel Havekost
Grief, I learned, doesn’t care how hard you attempt to understand her. She doesn’t care if you are already depressed or suffer from suicidal ideation. She doesn’t wait for you to be ready, and the longer you defer her presence, the heavier her weight becomes.
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- Author John Burnside
As I child, I came to this idea with a horrified fascination. Once upon a time, I wasn’t here. Before that, my parents weren’t here. And before that…
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- Author Arti Manani
She lay there, pale and pasty with a layer of grey smothered over her skin. Her head was slumped against the drawer like a dead flower as her arms hung limp on her sides. Her cheeks had been stained with tears and I wondered whether she really wanted to die.
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- Author Zora Neale Hurston
It was the meanest moment of eternity.
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- Author Darrell Drake
You aren’t falling apart. You’re well beyond that. You’re just rattling along now. Elven dolls doing what little you can to gather the pieces as they fall away. But you don’t know how to properly reattach them—a doll does not repair itself. So you hug those brittle fragments to your chest until you simply cannot hug anymore. Until you’ve had to leave so many behind that you no longer remember what it is you’re missing.
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- Author Ann Marie Frohoff
I've come to realize that love is tragic, somewhere down the line it's inevitable. Fight for it.
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- Author Mary Karr
Ten years, she's dead, and I still find myself some mornings reaching for the phone to call her. She could no more be gone than gravity or the moon.
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- Author Mira Bartok
Children of the mentally ill learn early on how not to be a bother, especially if they grew up with neglect. As my sister insisted once, when she was in severe pain after injuring her ankle, 'This isn't me! This is not who I am!
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