49 Quotes About Loving-kindness
- Author Chögyam Trungpa
However, maitri is not just being kind and nice. It is the understanding that one has to become one with the situation. That does not particularly mean that one becomes entirely without personality and has to accept whatever the other person suggests. Rather, you have to overcome the barrier that you have formed between yourself and others. If you remove this barrier and open yourself, then automatically real understanding and clarity will develop in your mind.
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- Author Heather Wolf
There is no such thing as tough love. Love is kind, love is compassionate, love is tender.
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- Author Heather Wolf
Kindness is like a warm blanket of snow, softly covering and gently touching the heart.
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- Author Katherine Mansfield
This is not a letter but my arms about you for a brief moment.
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- Author John Bruna
If we recognized the value in others and treated them as valuable, how do you think our interactions would be different?
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- Author Celeste Hoeden
Loving-kindness always point in the direction of truthful,wise,compassionate,understanding and forgiving actions.
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- Author Saskia Lightstar
We’re stuck with ourselves all the time, with the thoughts that race around our brains at 10,000 mph, with our feelings, with our daily dramas and our ongoing struggles. But by thinking about someone else, authentically listening to and connecting with another person, you focus less on all your own strife and struggles. You get a break from you.
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- Author Heather Wolf
There can never be too much loving kindness or chesed.
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- Author Tracie Sage
What if children grew up with parents who modeled a loving relationship, who openly showed each other affection and respect, expressing feelings authentically, and who lovingly, even playfully, turned conflicts toward solutions? What if we grew up feeling embraced, loved, seen and valued for the whole of who we are? Would it all turn out differently? You bet it would!
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