113 Quotes About Manager
- Author Rehan Waris
You can't be a good manager if you are doing everything yourself.
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- Author Aleksandar Ilić
U korporativnom svetu menadžer spada u kategoriju evolucionih prepreka.
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- Author Diana Valerio
Lesson learned - in doing business, do not COMPETE but be COMPETITIVE.
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- Author Abhishek Ratna
Good management has considerable impact on engagement levels of the employees and drives them towards excellent performances.
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- Author Eraldo Banovac
A wise manager knows that it is sometimes more important to listen than to talk.
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- Author Miya Yamanouchi
A good manager instills staff with self-confidence, teaches them to believe in themselves and helps them to realise their brilliance. Do not ever treat your staff with disrespect. It is competent until proven incompetent; not incompetent til proven competent.
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- Author Amit Kalantri
Every leader is a boss but every boss is not a leader.
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- Author Dr.Venkat Kumaresan
Leadership is not racing ahead of others. Leadership is caring ahead of others.
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- Author Anna Stevens
For a business to strengthen its position on the market, its managers should become skillful at helping their subordinates to set and achieve specific and measurable goals with realistic deadlines and clear expectations. Managers should also mentor employees through challenges, helping them grow and develop new skills.
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