112 Quotes About Misanthropy

  • Author Glennon Doyle
  • Quote

    I am not a good friend. I have never been capable of or willing to commit to the maintenance that the rules of friendship dictate. I cannot rmember bithdays. I do not want to meet for coffee. I will not host the baby shower. I won't text back because it's an eternal game of Ping-Pong, the texting. It never ends. I inevitably disappoint friends, so after enough of that, I decided I would stop trying. I don't want to live in constant debt. This is okay with me.

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  • Author Jaime Allison Parker
  • Quote

    The people once knew it by many titles. They saw it when the malformed crawled out of their mother’s wombs. When the ravens flew into the windows. When the cows could not produce milk and when the diseases spread. Its face had always been there. During the pestilence of the Black Plague, and its presence felt in the beds of the sweating sickness. Among the frightened royalty of the species, it appeared in their bed covers as they gasped their final moments covered in pustules and sores.

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  • Author Miranda July
  • Quote

    You always feel like you are the only one in the world, like everyone else is crazy for each other, but it's not true. Generally, people don't like each other very much. And that goes for friends, too.

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