67 Quotes About Nausea

  • Author Ian McEwan
  • Quote

    Then, with an extended, falling glissando of disgust, the whole string section, plus flutes and piccolo, surged toward the brass, leaving the music critic and his deed - an early evening frites and mayonnaise on Oude Hoogstraat - illuminated under a lonely chandelier.

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  • Author Steven Magee
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    I may have had mild COVID-19. I started shivering with an elevated heart rate on Sunday and I was in bed on Friday with nausea, nerve pains and a big headache that I treated with Tylenol and Alka Seltza. During the following days I had dizziness and nerve pains that slowly cleared up. I was unable to get tested for COVID-19 in the USA, so I will never know for sure.

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  • Author Elena Ferrante
  • Quote

    Her nausea increased, the dialect had become unfamiliar, the way our wet throats bathed the words in the liquid of saliva was intolerable. A sense of repulsion had invested all the bodies in movement, their bone structure, the frenzy that shook them. How poorly made we are, she thought, how insufficient. The broad shoulders, the arms, the legs, the ears, noses, eyes, seemed to her attributes of monstrous beings who had fallen from some corner of the black sky.

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