25 Quotes About Norse
- Author Neil Gaiman
I learned the Norse gods came with their own doomsday: Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods, the end of it all. The gods were going to battle the frost giants, and they were all going to die.Had Ragnarok happened yet? Was it still to happen? I did not know then. I am not certain now.
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- Author A.S. Byatt
The reading eye must do the work to make them live, and so it did, again and again, never the same life twice, as the artist had intended.
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- Author Snorri Sturluson
They all laughed, except Tyr; he lost his hand.
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- Author Kevin Crossley-Holland
The three sons of Bor had no liking for Ymir... At last they attacked Ymir and killed him. His wounds were like springs; so much blood streamed from them and so fast, that the flood drowned all the frost giants except Bergelmir and his wife. They embarked in their boat and rode out on a tide of gore
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- Author Kevin Crossley-Holland
Ymir was a frost giant; he was evil from the first. While he slept, he began to sweat. A man and woman grew out of the ooze under his left armpit, and one of his legs fathered a son on the other leg.
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- Author Harald Halfdanson Viking Tales
It is better to live on the sea and let other men raise your crops and cook your meals. A house smells of smoke, a ship smells of frolic. From a house you see a sooty roof, from a ship you see Valhalla.
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- Author Hávamál
Rash is he who at unknown doors relies on his good luck.
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- Author F.T. McKinstry
Master of magic, god of war, Odin wanders alone.
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- Author Earl Rognvald
As Earl Rognvald of Orkney in in the Orkenyinga Saga (1200 AD) tells us: "I can play at Tafi, Nine skills I know, Rarely I forget the Runes, I know of Books and Smithing, I know how to slide on skis, Shoot and row well enough, Each of the Two arts I know, Harp playing and speaking poetry.
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