556 Quotes About Pandemic
- Author John M Barry
All training for war, for killing, ceased. Now men fought to stop the killing.
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- Author Steven Magee
By the time COVID-19 is over, the death toll will be comparable to war.
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- Author Vincent Nwachukwu
Scientists have discovered 2 additional private parts in humans as a result of Covid-19 pandemic. Ensure you cover them in public. They are your Mouth and Nose.
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- Author Rhaqiq Raihan
The great pandemic has come like a paroxysm to our SOCIETYTo break the bond of AMITYThe world one year before was the place where every people could experience joie de vivre with gargantuan ECSTASYBut the world today is the place where many valetudinarians are residing with POIGNANCY
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
I just hope the ruling party and other opposing political parties, wont gamble with people lives to settle their political scores during this pandemic. I hope people won't suffer or die because of politics
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
I know there are some heartless, greedy, selfish criminals who call themselves politicians, pastors, prophets or business people, who will steal money that is suppose to help in this corona virus. If you are that politician, pastor, prophet or business person, may you suffer with everything you have and will all your riches & wealth . May you never find happiness, joy & peace in your life, until you pay every cent that you stole from the people.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
It's nice having someone by your side in difficult times like this ones. Someone who always check upon you, if you are doing well and you are still alive. Someone who gives you hope that beyond this pandemic. There is still love and life. Even if you can lose everything. They will always be there with you .
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- Author Steven Magee
Are you working yourself into a COVID-19 grave?
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- Author Steven Magee
President Trump, how is COVID-19 working out for you?
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