2,692 Quotes About Philosophy-of-life
- Author Kilroy J. Oldster
Life is paradoxical, but it is enough for me. Ridiculous conflicts and inconsistencies admittedly congeal into what I term the self. Personal growth commences by honing in on the troubling personal issues. I am my only enemy. A radiant soul strives for self-enrichment by passionately pursuing the serious tasks and delights of living including expressing empathy for other people. I will explore the world and attempt to eliminate the perversions of my own egocentric being.
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- Author Avijeet Das
Silence is a beautiful healing therapy - allowing your soul to be at peace with your thoughts.
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- Author Avijeet Das
The majority of people in this world are selfish. Their life is all about earning more and more money. They do not care about anything else. Once upon a time, this world was a beautiful place. But it has been spoiled by the greed of Man.
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- Author Dr. Jacent Mpalyenkana
Do not settle for less of anything unless you are certain that it will lead you to what you truly deserve.
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- Author Tarun Deep Singh
Who says Lucifer is “Fallen Angel”. I am “The Fallen One”. Till I won’t do any ‘Manthan’ (Vigorous Introspection) how the ‘Kaalkoot’ (Evil residing in me) will surface. And how ‘Shiva, The Auspicious One’ will rise to consume it.
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- Author Kilroy J. Oldster
Self-doubt and lack of conscious awareness undermine a person’s quest to live a life of dutiful service. Self-assurance infuses us with poise and the strength of character to blunt our destructive impulses. Self-awareness allows us to be cognizant of the whirlwind of infinite beauty that surrounds us and reinforces us with the forte to apply our vibrant life force in an expressive motif that exposes the mistiness of our inner soul to the outer world.
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- Author Kilroy J. Oldster
Lack of fear enables a heroic person to display the muscularity of a brawny soul willing to fight against injustice, lifting themselves and the people that they truck with above the fray of petty tyrants.
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- Author Kilroy J. Oldster
Each of us is the custodian of our own history and the sole sentry responsible for their present and future existence.
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- Author Sam Harris
Our habitual failure to recognise thought as thought, our habitual identification with discursive thought, is the primary source of human suffering.
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