52 Quotes About Pool
- Author Jean-Luke Swanepoel
Alice suddenly found herself examining the birdbath as if it was a tide pool along the shore whose depths held countless creatures instead of just algae and bird droppings. Admiring the sunset instead might have been a wiser decision, as then she could at least attempt to blink away the tears forming in her eyes.
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- Author Anthony Liccione
When a fat person goes in the water naked, would it still be called skinny-dipping?
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- Author Gina Marinello-Sweeney
The whirlpool splashed into view, swirls of blue and green simmering against an outcropping of grayish-brown rock in the glow of half-light. I stared out at it in fascination and wonder, feeling as if I had entered the setting of a fairy tale and this was a magical pool, perhaps the looking glass of a unicorn or the home of an enchanted prince, ancient as time itself.
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- Author Richie Norton
When learning to swim, an hour in the pool is more useful than a year poolside.
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- Author Kelly Creagh
She never answered. She couldn’t. All she could do was stare, reaching toward him with her gaze alone, pulling him to drown in the sorrow of those depthless black pools.
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- Author A.E. Housman
Oh fair enough are sky and plain,But I know fairer far:Those are as beautiful againThat in the water are;The pools and rivers wash so cleanThe trees and clouds and air,The like on earth was never seen,And oh that I were there.These are the thoughts I often thinkAs I stand gazing downIn act upon the cressy brinkTo strip and dive and drown;But in the golden-sanded brooksAnd azure meres I spyA silly lad that longs and looks And wishes he were I.
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- Author Anthony Liccione
It is better to die, than dive heart-first, into a pool of love, only knee-high deep.
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- Author Israelmore Ayivor
Leaving your dreams and living someone's dreams is like dipping a pole into a pool to catch a weaver bird alive! It doesn't work that way... Pursue what God sent you for!
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- Author Pablo
Somedays you're the cue ball, somedays you are the eight ball
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