142 Quotes About Postmodernism
- Author Seyla Benhabib
In the transformed world political context of today, it is more essential than ever that the critique of democracy in the name of difference developed by oppositional intellectuals be formulated so carefully that these thoughts cannot be exploited for nationalist, tribalist, and xenophobic purposes. It is imperative that the politics of the 'differend' not be settled beyond and at the margins of democratic politics.
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- Author Gudjon Bergmann
For example, the call for equal rights has perverted into “let’s all be the same.” Male and female biological differences are discounted, because “male” and “female” are considered “outdated social constructs,” and while that is partially true, the social construct stance becomes clear reductionism when it totally discounts clear differences in male and female biology (i.e., androgyny is not the same as equality).
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- Author James Williams
…the narratives we tell to justify a single set of laws and stakes are inherently unjust.
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- Author Frederic Jameson
We are...so far removed from the realities of production and work that we inhabit a dream world of artificial stimuli and televised experience.
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- Author Byung-Chul Han
A depressão é a expressão patológica do fracasso do homem pós-moderno em ser ele mesmo.
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- Author Zygmunt Bauman
Postmodernity means the exhilarating freedom to pursue anything, yet mind-boggling uncertainty as to what is worth pursuing and in the name of what one should pursue it.
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- Author Gudjon Bergmann
Saying, “I don’t agree with you,” or going so far as to say, “I think your belief structure is childish,” does not amount to persecution. Insensitivity is not the same as harassment or oppression.
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- Author Sarah Schulman
...people are no longer interested in analysis. They all prefer catharsis now. They all prefer to say that they are helpless and can’t change other people, i.e. the world. Marxism has been replaced by postmodernism. Psychoanalysis has been replaced by twelve-step programs. It was the end of the content.
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- Author Reggie M. Kidd
The fact is: our faith is more rational than the most elaborate paradigm of the atheistic foundationalist, more romantic than the wildest dreams of the unbelieving postmodernist. our faith is a dogma that makes you dance.
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