4,465 Quotes About Psychology
- Author LaTasha “Tacha B.” Braxton
But what happens to the girl with no positive parental examples? What happens to the girl with the cold mother who conditioned herself to bury her emotions? And what happens to the girl with the father who is an example of who not to marry?
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- Author Tom Robbins
All depression has its roots in self-pity, and all self-pity is rooted in people taking themselves too seriously.
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- Author Allan Lokos
The art of peaceful living comes down to living compassionately & wisely.
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- Author Allan Lokos
We must accept the reality that the causes of impatience travel a two-way street.
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- Author Allan Lokos
Patience is a natural consequence of the cultivation of compassion & love, for ourselves and all beings.
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- Author Alaric Hutchinson
Why are the desert blooms that spring to life after a monsoon so magnificent? The answer is – their impermanence. The lush growth and blooming flowers do not last very long here in the desert, and this new growth only happens once a year. If this growth was never-ending, we would soon take it for granted. Likewise, our human lives. What makes them so special and unique? Our fleeting impermanence.
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- Author Darius Cikanavicius
If a child’s emotional and intellectual freedom is restricted, their development and well-being suffer, which leads to complex problems in later life. Deprivation of thought and emotion results in an irrationality of cognition, feeling, and communication.
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- Author Darius Cikanavicius
Only when a child’s authenticity is threatened do they develop unhealthy behaviors, distorted reality perceptions, and emotional difficulties. When you force a child to do what they don’t want to do, feel what they don’t feel, and think what they don’t think, their authentic self becomes damaged.
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- Author Darius Cikanavicius
One of the most common corruptions of childrearing remains the controlling caregiver’s propensity to shape the child into an object aligned with the caregiver’s own unprocessed trauma. Controlling caregivers have a variety of methods at their disposal to accomplish this, including such “civilized” approaches as manipulating, conditionally loving, withdrawing attention, threatening, isolating, shaming, guilt-tripping, humiliating, and withdrawing resources.
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