26 Quotes About Reason-for-living
- Author Ken Poirot
I feel the reason we are all here, our purpose of being, is to help others find their little piece of happiness and heaven right here on earth.
#earth #life-philosophy #life #meaning-of-life #purpose #purpose-driven #purpose-in-life #purpose-of-life #purpose-of-living #purposeful-living #reason #reason-for-living #life-lesson #helping-people #happiness #happiness-advice #happiness-fulfillment-desire #happiness-in-life #happiness-life #heaven
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- Author Don Piper
Satan is a liar. He wants to steal our joy and replace it with hopelessness. When we're up against a struggle and we think we can't keep going, we can change that by praising God. Our chains will fall from us.Meese encouraged me by reminding me of the real reason we have for fully living this life. It's to give everything we have to God--even the heartbreaks and pain. God is our reason to live.
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- Author Laini Taylor
As long as you're alive, there's always a chance things will get better.
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- Author Fennel Hudson
You can escape completely, seeking an alternative life, or you can play the game and go absent without leave. How you do it is up to you.
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- Author Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
We may regard certain days as free days. Free days are however fee days. We will pay later
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- Author Michael Ende
He was handsome and strong, but somehow that wasn't enough for him. He also felt the need to be tough and inured to hardship... But how was he to come by that quality in this luminous garden, where all manner of fruit was to be had for the picking?
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- Author Manoj Arora
Life has become easier. Most of us have the means to live an easier life. But so few of us have the meaning to live for, or a reason to die for.
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- Author Bangambiki Habyarimana
Emotion is created by a cause, whether that cause is factual or imaginary does not matter, as longer as the believer holds it as true.
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- Author Bangambiki Habyarimana
You can deal with an emotion based on reason, but who can control an unreasonable emotion?
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