68 Quotes About Rebels

  • Author Glennon Doyle
  • Quote

    Our society is so hell-bent on expansion, power and effiency at all costs that the folks [who question things or suggest the way something's done is not right,] are inconvenient. We slow the world down. We're on the bow of the Titanic, pointing, crying out, "Iceberg! Iceberg!" while everyone else is below deck, yelling back, "We just want to keep dancing!" It is easier to call us broken and dismiss us than to consider that we are responding appropriately to a broken world.

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  • Author Sharon Weil
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    When the rebel in her touched the rebel in him, and the rebel in him touched the rebel in her, their fears incinerated. When his rebel sperm penetrated her rebel egg, that mysterious shimmer burst forth a blinding light, and a calcium wave signaled the information everywhere it could go. It has turned her into a visionary and turned him into a warrior - on a mission to save M. Earth, in the name of love.

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  • Author Fiodor Dostoïevski
  • Quote

    Ils verseront de sottes larmes et comprendront, que le créateur, en les faisant rebelles a voulu se moquer d'eux, assurément. Ils le crieront avec désespoir et ce blasphème les rendra encore plus malheureux.

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  • Author Frank Herbert
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    Todas las rebeliones son corrientes y extremadamente aburridas. Todas están copiadas del mismo modelo, y todas se parecen la una a la otra. Su fuerza motriz es la adicción a la adrenalina y el deseo de adquirir poder personal. Todos los rebeldes son pequeños aristócratas.

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  • Author Frank Herbert
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    All rebellions are ordinary and an ultimate bore. They are copied out of the same pattern, one much like another. The driving force is adrenaline addiction and the desire to gain personal power. All rebels are closet aristocrats.

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