343 Quotes About Reincarnation

  • Author Gail Graham
  • Quote

    I sit on the bed, staring sightlessly out the window at nothing. I want to die, and I can’t even do that because Bao is already on his way back to me and I have to be here for him. At this point I have no idea about how he’ll look, no picture in my mind, nothing like that. I just know he is coming back.

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  • Author Kate Atkinson
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    I don’t suppose the dead care about anything much,’ Teddy said. ‘I think when you’re dead you’re dead. I don’t believe there’s anything beyond, do you?’‘I might have done before the war,’ Ursula said, ‘before I saw a lot of dead bodies. But they just look like so much rubbish, thrown away.’ (She thought of Hugh saying, ‘Just put me out with the dustbin.’) ‘It doesn’t seem as though their souls have flown.

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  • Author Kate Atkinson
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    She allowed the hum and buzz of the park to lullaby her. Life wasn’t about becoming, was it? It was about being. Dr Kellet would have approved this thought. And everything was ephemeral, yet everything was eternal, she thought sleepily.

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  • Author Helen Hoang
  • Quote

    When she died, demons were going to torment her for eternity instead of letting her reincarnate. Or worse, they'd let her reincarnate, but she'd be a catfish who lived under a river outhouse. It was only fair. That was what she got for wishing food poisoning on people.

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  • Author Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • Quote

    Morgause looked up at the old man, her eyes wide in awe.- Are you so old, Venerable One?The Merlin smiled down at the girl and said, - Not in my own body. But I have read much in the great hall which is not in this world, there the Record of All Things is written. And also, I was living then. Those who are the Lords of this world permitted me to come back, but in another body of flesh. -

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  • Author Stephen Poplin
  • Quote

    We are all on a life journey, a personal sojourn. Many people believe this one brief "strut across the stage" of life is it. Once dead, that's the end of the story. Not so. The soul lives on. We could take this all on faith – and many religions tell us to do just that, but how much better would it be to discover one's own spiritual odyssey for one's self.

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  • Author Stephen Poplin
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    Our Soul incarnates and, over thousands of years, has many lives, and thus personalities. As an analogy, one could say that our past lives are siblings to us, and the Soul is the parent. One could then say that the Spirit Guide is the god-parent. Our soul groups are our spiritual families; and we are all striving to get back to the One, the ultimate merging into unity, merging towards the One - and we are doing this together. Well, that is the plan anyway!

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  • Author Thomas Pierce
  • Quote

    Why we dare to assume a physical form and brave a world such as ours, so full of tragedy and fear and pain, murders and rapes, war, ceaseless brutality and conflict. We wouldn’t subject ourselves to this unless it was worth it, on some level.

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