253 Quotes About Relatable

  • Author Brian McBride
  • Quote

    I am a foreigner in this place right now. Not just this empty house – a house that once held such joy and laughter, a house marked by family and faith. But this world too. It’s like I’m a refugee, always running, running, running. And every time I arrive somewhere, hoping for sanctuary, I’m met with rejection.

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  • Author Felicia Day
  • Quote

    When the occasional stranger approaches me at a party to say, "Hey, you're Felicia Day. Let's talk about that comic book you were tweeting about last week!" it's the greatest thing in the world. Because it saves me from having to stand in the corner awkwardly, drinking all the Sprite, and then leaving after ten minutes without saying good-bye to my host.

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  • Author Christine Riccio
  • Quote

    The young women in all the YA books I loved were high-school age. By eighteen, the majority of them had saved the world, not to mention: kissed people, traveled, been in a relationship, had sex. At twenty I felt like a pathetic, unaccomplished, uncultured, virgin grandma. It sounds like a joke now, but at the time, around all these people my age casually discussing all of the above, I felt so small.

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  • Author Raphael Bob-Waksberg
  • Quote

    You had every intention of being depressed forever, but as it turns out, there’s work to be done, meals to eat, movies to see, errands to run. You meant to be in ruins permanently, your misery a monument, a gash across the cold hard earth, but honestly, who has the time for that?

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