26 Quotes About Religious-toleration
Religious-toleration Quotes By Author
- Author Abhijit Naskar
Harmony is not a luxury, it is an existential necessity of the species. And to achieve it, if a hundred Bibles have to be sacrificed, then be it. But for no Bible, Quran or Gita, can harmony be compromised.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
I am not an atheist. But the religion that I do advocate is not of the Bible, Vedas, Quran or any other scripture. The religion I speak of, is what Christ talked about, it is what Buddha talked about, it is the religion of plain everyday kindness.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
O my brave Almighty Human, with the ever-effulgent flow of courage, conscience and compassion, turn yourself into a vivacious humanizer, and start walking with bold footsteps while eliminating racism, terminating misogyny, destroying homophobia and all other primitiveness that have turned humanity into the most inhuman species on earth.
#character-building #pearls-of-wisdom #philosophy #power-of-the-mind #prejudices #racism #religious-diversity #religious-harmony #religious-tolerance #religious-toleration #sage #sage-sayings #service-to-humanity #service-to-mankind #service-to-others #social-reform #stereotypes #motivational #thinker #misogyny
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
The point is, being a Christian does not mean hating or belittling the non-Christians. Being a Muslim does not mean hating or belittling the non-Muslims. Being an Atheist does not mean hating or belittling the religious people. In a civilized society, diversity in religious orientation should be the reason for celebration, not the cause for hatred and differentiation.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
A religious individual may most gloriously carry out his or her own rituals, as a part of his or her cultural identity, but the moment, that person starts to build a wall of separation between the self and the rest of humanity, coaxed by the textual commands of a scripture, the healthy religiousness turns into dangerous fundamentalism, which is a threat to both the self and the society.
#brainy #wisdom #universal-love #science-of-mind #sage #religious-violence #religious-toleration #religious-tolerance #religious-philosophy #religious-harmony #religious-fundamentalism #religious-faith #wise-sayings #religious-diversity #religious #religion-spirituality #philosophy #oneness #one-human-race #neurotheology
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Terrorism is born of fundamentalism not of religion.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Acceptance does not mean accepting those who disregard humans on the basis of race, religion and sexual orientation.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Accepting evil is worse than committing evil.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Accepting evil is worse than committing evil. You must – I repeat – you must, as a human being, stand up on the side of humanism, against barbarian inhumanism, for it is your action, that shall determine whether your children shall live in a world of peace and harmony or a world of chaos and discriminations.
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