26 Quotes About Rincewind

Rincewind Quotes By Author

  • Author Terry Pratchett
  • Quote

    That's old Twoflower, Rincewind thought. It’s not that he doesn’t appreciate beauty, he just appreciates it in his own way. I mean, if a poet sees a daffodil he stares at it and writes a long poem about it, but Twoflower wanders off to find a book on botany. He just looks at things, but nothing he looks at is ever the same again. Including me, I suspect.

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  • Author Terry Pratchett
  • Quote

    What shall we do?” said Twoflower.“Panic?” said Rincewind hopefully. He always held that panic was the best means of survival; back in the olden days, his theory went, people faced with hungry saber-toothed tigers could be divided very simply into those who panicked and those who stood there saying “What a magnificent brute!” and “Here, pussy.

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  • Author Terry Pratchett
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    Besides…where Rincewind went’ – he lowered his voice – ‘trouble followed behind.’Ridcully noticed that the wizards drew a little closer together.‘Sounds all right to me,’ he said. ‘Best place for trouble, behind.

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  • Author Terry Pratchett
  • Quote

    He hated weapons, and not just because they'd so often been aimed at him. You got into more trouble if you had a weapon. People shot you instantly if they thought you were going to shoot them. But if you were unarmed, they often stopped to talk. Admittedly, they tended to say things like, "You'll never guess what we're going to do to you, pal," but that took time. And Rincewind could do a lot with a few more seconds. He could use them to live longer in.

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