186 Quotes About Rose-hathaway

  • Author Richelle Mead
  • Quote

    Hey," she said understandably surprised. "Hey, can I send a text from your phone?"I didn't want to commandeer her phone with a conversation, and besides, Lissa might just hang up on me. My neighbour shrugged, stepped into the room, and returned with the phone. I had Lissa's number memorised and sent her the following note:'I know what you're going to do, and its a BAD idea. I'm going to kick both your asses when I find you.

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  • Author Richelle Mead
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    No podía ser la novia de Mason porque cuando me imaginaba a alguien sujetándome y murmurándome marranadas al oído, ese alguien tenía acento ruso.

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  • Author Richelle Mead
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    Ella no comprendía lo que te hace sentir estar lleno de un amor tan fuerte que hace tu pecho doler un amor que tan solo podias sentir, pero nunca expresar. He aprendido que mantener un amor enterrado se parece mucho a mantener contenida la ira. Te consume por dentro hasta que te dan ganas de gritar o de patear algo

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