729 Quotes About Sales
- Author Chris Murray
Understand why you are different and how you help, recognise your target market, and give them something they might not even realise they are missing.
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- Author Chris Murray
In this world there are those who enjoy giving people balloons and there are those who take great pleasure in popping them. And I wish to be remembered as being firmly in the first party.
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- Author Chris Murray
The only time you have is the where and when of right now. There will always be good times, bad times, hard times, and complete disasters. However, there is no other option but to be where you are, when you are. That is a universal truth for everyone. The important thing is how you respond, what you decide to do, and when you decide to do it.
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- Author Chris Murray
You can’t plough a field by turning it over in your mind. Either you get out there and plough it or it doesn’t get done.
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- Author Chris Murray
And by making that plan you have differentiated yourself from more than ninety percent of the population. You are one of the few, who has a clear direction, a decisive plan of action.
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- Author Chris Murray
Plans are easy to make, dreams are easy to dream. But putting your back into it? A little bit of hard graft and discipline? That is just too scary and far too much effort for the masses
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- Author Chris Murray
Ready? No one is ever ready, my boy. But some do what they plan to do and some never will. The difference between the two is that the first group understand that they need to start somewhere, so they do so. Straight away
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- Author Chris Murray
It has nothing to do with the time being right or wrong. Storms just happen.
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- Author Chris Murray
Sometime in the future, when business slumps and there appears to be no solution in sight, you will hear others moaning about and blaming the things that are completely out of their control, wasting hour after hour on elements, which cannot be changed. Meanwhile, you, my boy, you will be focusing your efforts on the only thing that matters. The response which ensures you reach your destination.
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