25 Quotes About Scully

  • Author Kevin J. Anderson
  • Quote

    Scully,' [Mulder] said, his voice quiet and serious, 'with the... unorthodox explanations I often find when studying the evidence, I know you're always skeptical-but every time you're at least fair to me. You respect my opinion, even when you don't agree with it.' He looked at his hands. 'I don't know if I've ever told you, but I really appreciate that.'She looked at him and smiled. 'You've told me, Mulder. Maybe not in words... but you've told me.

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  • Author Charles Grant
  • Quote

    I'm okay,' [Mulder] said, shifting over to make room for Scully. 'Just thinking.''Out here, that'll get you pneumonia.''Is that a doctor's truth thing?'...'No, it's cold, that's what it is. God, Mulder, why can't you ever have a mood someplace warm?

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  • Author Charles Grant
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    You know,' he said as they made their way down the hall, 'I appreciate the support, Scully, but I don't need defending. Not really.'She looked up at him and sighed. 'Oh yes you do, Mulder.'He looked back blankly.'Trust me,' she said, patting his arm. 'On this one you'll have to trust me.

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  • Author Charles Grant
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    It's hot,' [Mulder] said, dropping on the bench beside [Scully].'It's July, Mulder,' Garson reminded him. 'It's New Mexico. What did you expect?''Heat I can get at home. An oven I already have in my apartment.

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  • Author Kevin J. Anderson
  • Quote

    So you and the lovely Agent Scully are going down to investigate?' Frohike said, sounding hopeful.'Yeah, we leave for Cancun tomorrow.''Our tax dollars at work,' Langly snorted.'I'd love to see Agent Scully with a healthy tropical tan,' Frohike said.'Down, Frohike,' Mulder said.

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  • Author Les Martin
  • Quote

    I didn't know you were a techie, Mulder.' said Scully...'I used to fool around with ham radios when I was a kid,' Mulder said, not looking up from his work.'Let me guess why,' said Scully. 'Ever succeed in making contact with a spaceship?'...'No,' said Mulder. 'But it wasn't from lack of trying.

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  • Author Kevin J. Anderson
  • Quote

    When I was doing preliminary research on this case, I remembered the story about Tlazolteotl.' [Mulder] glanced at the old archaeologist. 'Am I pronouncing it correctly? It sounds like I'm swallowing a turtle.

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  • Author Les Martin
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    Scully liked neatness and order. This office was her notion of a nightmare. She had no idea how Mulder ever found anything he wanted. But he always seemed to.

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