1,231 Quotes About Sea

  • Author David Eddings
  • Quote

    Scoprì immediatamente che, se manovrava le vele nel modo giusto, l'Albatro tagliava le onde come un coltello bene arrotato. Le corde scricchiolavano piacevolmente e la prora affilata sembrava sibilare, mentre puntava dritta a nord.

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  • Author David Eddings
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    Andar si godeva il silenzio che si stendeva sul mare quando stava per arrivare un nuovo giorno. In quei momenti la superficie gli appariva straordinariamente bella e gli sembrava che il mare trattenesse il respiro, aspettando il sole.

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  • Author Petter Dass
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    Thi Søen tager saa mangen;Her sidder en Encke, som Manden har mistOg hisset en anden, har Skilsmisse fristHvis Mand er fordrugnet for langen.Man spørger en Fader, som Sønner har stoor,Hvor er dine Sønner? de blev udi Fior,Man fritter en Søn om sin Fader;Strax skal hand dig grædende svare med hast, Min Fader blev borte med Tackel og Mast,Den Sorg mig saa snart icke lader.

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  • Author S.O'Sade
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    Always know that at the end of any break up; there’s plenty of fish in the sea, Just go to the edge and catch another one; or dive in to swim with the beautiful one, and tie it to yourself forever.

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  • Author J.M. Ledgard
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    Do not think to swim below. The ocean is already pushing into ears, sinuses, temples, the softness of eyes, and the harpsichord strings behind the kneecaps.

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