246 Quotes About Senses

  • Author A.D. Aliwat
  • Quote

    Of course there is no such thing as heaven. There is only the reality of one’s perception and the planet Earth and that is where the human story ends. If there is a soul, it only exists during life: it’s more like a person’s brand. And as for love, it is nothing more than chemicals in the brain.

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  • Author T.F. Hodge
  • Quote

    Sometimes a loved one might not 'spit' the message in the most tender or poetic fashion that suits you, but don't allow a rugged style to blind you from a loving intent. It's the spirit of the message one must receive beyond [the] perception of one's senses; be mindful of hearing with the heart.

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  • Author Mort W. Lumsden
  • Quote

    We know there are colours in the spectrum untranslatable to our eyes; sounds beyond the range of our hearing; sensations beyond the tolerance of taste or touch. What else is there that we might be missing? Could it be that we, ourselves, only ever really experience the mere gist of our own lives? (attrib: F.L. Vanderson)

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