490 Quotes About Separation
- Author Patricia Robin Woodruff
I have shaken loose. Like the lily, I rest on the deep water's surface. Not knowing the journey's end, I rest in nature's embrace.
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- Author Mary Shelley
He felt that every sorrow was less than that which separation must produce; and that to share adversity with her was greater happiness than the enjoyment prosperity apart from her.
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- Author Zahary Karabashliev
В редките ни напоследък целувки се усещаше онази жилка хлад, която мога да сравня с полъха на вятър привечер след средата на август, когато съм чувал стари варненци да казват, че морето се обръща.
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- Author John Fowles
It was curious how quiet that last evening was; as if I had already left, and we were just two ghosts talking to each other.
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- Author Muhammad Zakariya Kandhlawi
While people like Hadhrat Uwais Qarni were distant, they remained close to Rasulullaah while people like Abu Jahal were close, yet they remained so far.
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- Author Judith Viorst
Indeed, analyst Robert Bak calls orgasm "the perfect promise between love and death," the means by which we repatriate separation of mother and child through the momentary extinction of the self. It is true that few of us consciously climb into a lover's bed in the hope of finding our mommy between the sheets. But the sexual loss of our separateness (which may scare people so badly they cannot have orgasm) brings us pleasure, in part, because it unconsciously repeats our first connection.
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- Author শঙ্খ ঘোষ
হাতের উপর হাত রাখা খুব সহজ নয়সারা জীবন বইতে পারা সহজ নয়এ কথা খুব সহজ, কিন্তু কে না জানেসহজ কথা ঠিক ততটা সহজ নয়। - সঙ্গিনী
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- Author Elizabeth Langston
I think it must be one of those things where no one’s wrong and everybody loses.
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- Author Abeba Habtu
I love you so much, Sahra. You will do wonderful things. Have courage and believe in yourself.
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