39 Quotes About Serbia
- Author Fotini Christia
Apart from the Croat-Muslim unifying narrative, the Ustashe also used overtly anti-Serb propaganda. They banned the Cyrillic alphabet, which is the Serb national alphabet, on April 25, 1941, and on May 3, 1941 passed legislation that viewed religious conversion for the Orthodox as the only way to grant them equal rights before the law.
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- Author Aleksandar Tijanić
Praktično, nema srpskog političara koji ne misli da su Srbi stoka. Teorijski, nema Srbina koji ne misli da su ovdašnji političari prva generacija svojih porodica kojima je otpao rep. Svi su u pravu.
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- Author Flora Sandes
Cruelty is absolutely foreign to their natures.Some people once talked of setting up a branch of the " Prevention of Cruelty to Animals" in Serbia, and were asked in astonishment what work they supposed they would find to do ; who ever heard of a Serbian being cruel to child or animal?
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- Author Slaviša Pavlović
We play in twelve rounds. The present against me. I lost the previous eleven. Defeat after defeat. And now I am waiting for the last round. The key round. The fact that I did not fall so far gives me more strength. It’s only now that I hope to win, by knock-out, because the fate is too tired from punches that it will eventually fall by itself. And maybe it will fall on knees when it realizes that I am not going to fall.
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- Author Frigyes Karinthy
Well, then. Hungary borders, in the south, on the Danube and Serbia... and the Rumanian... Dalmatian... and Serbia... and the capital of Serbia.., and the Serbia of capital...
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- Author A.L. Kennedy
He's doing something in Surbiton next. Or Serbia, one or the other.
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- Author Sreten Ugričić
Siene su tihe, nad provalijom. U tom bezizlaznom položaju ćemo ostati, ti i ja, ni gore ni dole, ni napred ni nazad, ni pre ni posle, zauvek. Jer to i jesmo - nad provalijom.
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- Author Sreten Ugričić
Institucije su tu da nelegitimno učine legalnim i da nelegalno učine legitimnim. Nezakonite se sistematski pretvara u zakonito ponašanje, a istovremeno ono što je direktno kršenje pozitivnih zakonskih ili socijalno-moralnih normi postaje uzorno, potpuno prirodno ponašanje koje se očekuje i koje uređuje odnose. To je istinita definicija našega stanja. O tome razmenjujemo misli i znamo: građani Србије osuđeni su na milost i nemilost Србије.
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- Author Sreten Ugričić
Svi umiru u Србији. Србијa je dezinformacija. Svi živimo u inostranstvu. Život je umiranje, znali mi to ili ne. Smrt živi sa nama kroz naše postojanje, a kada umremo, vraćamo se u besmrtnost. U besmrtnosti nema života zato što nema smrti. Može se umreti samo jednom ili nikad.
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