313 Quotes About Smoking
- Author Frederick Weisel
Seth lay on a sofa. His large dirty work boots were defiantly planted on the sofa cushion, all his energy focused on smoking a cigarette, as if it were a job.
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- Author DON SANTO
#LegalizeIt is just an innocent quest for the basic human right to smoking/consuming what, when they want without prejudice.
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- Author Sarvesh Jain
Quitting smoking could be easy for someone and also it could be tough for someone. The hard part is not about what’s the object but the attachment towards the object. Same way, leaving a person could be easy for someone and could be tough for someone else. It’s all about what you’re attached to.
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- Author André Aciman
As a French poet once said, some people smoke to put nicotine in their veins, others to put a cloud between them and others
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- Author Christopher Buckley
You could drink hard liquor in the middle of a school day without people assuming you were an alcoholic underachiever. Strange how in America in the 1950s, at the height of its industrial and imperial power, men drank double-martinis for lunch. Now, in its decline, they drank fizzy water. Somewhere something had gone terribly wrong.
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- Author Sjoerd Kuyper
Papà: - C'è soltanto una cosa più stupida di fumare […] ed è iniziare a fumare.
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- Author Talees Rizvi
Papa always had 2 books in his shelf called"How to say NO?" & "Quit Smoking NOW"but never had time to read.
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- Author Anupam Debashis Roy
-তুই প্রতিদিন সিগারেট খেয়ে যে পরিমাণ টাকা নষ্ট করস,সেগুলো বাচালে তোর এতোদিনে তিনটা মটরসাইকেল থাকতো।-তুইতো সিগারেট খাস না।কই,তোর মটরসাইকেলগুলা দেখা তো।
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- Author P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
The one who wants me to stop smoking will die out of severe cancer
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