70 Quotes About Snake
- Author 志倉千代丸
Snake, what’s wrong? Snake? SNAAKKKKEEEE!
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- Author Dean Koontz
Were you always such a snake," the child asked, "or did you grow into what you are?
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- Author Soman Chainani
And as a cloud passed over the sun, sending the scene into shadows, the last thing Agatha saw was a new king cast in a golden glow and the old one dragged into the dark by his twisted green chains... The Snake become the Lion and the Lion become the Snake.
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- Author Yusef Komunyakaa
The place was a funeral pyre for the youngwho died before knowing the thirst of manor woman. Furies with snakes in their hairwept. Tantalus ate pears & sipped winein a dream, as the eyes of a vulturepoised over Tityus' liver.
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- Author Sidin Vadukut
The Snake in the fence is now inside the lungi
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- Author Maria V. Snyder
When I carved this, my thoughts were on you, love. Your life is like this snake's coils. No matter how many turns it makes, you'll end up back where you belong. With me.
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- Author Robert Thier
And, turning, he strode out of the prima donna’s dressing room. I, for my part, stood there in silence for a moment—then looked down at the snake.‘You know, I think I understand your choice of lifestyle. Strangling people to death is so much more satisfying that just poisoning them with a little bite.
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- Author Breeana Shields
She snaps her fingers, and a large white snake drops from overhead and slinks its way around her shoulders. She often wears them like scarves.
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- Author jung
But the poison of the serpent, whose head you crush, enters you through the wound in your heel; and thus the serpent becomes more dangerous than it was before. Since whatever I reject is never- theless in my nature. I thought it was without, and so I believed that I could destroy it. But it resides in me and has only assumed a passing outer form and stepped toward me. I destroyed its form and believed that I was a conqueror. But I have not yet overcome myself.
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