75 Quotes About Society-denial
- Author Jon Ronson
What a brilliant cover story. In a success-obsessed society like this one, what's the best rock to hide something under? It's the rock called failure.
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- Author Al Diaz
The more I learn, the less I know: the less I know, the less I understand: the less I understand, the less I can relate; I know you're crazy.
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- Author Carolyn Spring
There is a slave trade still in this country—yes, the real and horrific sex and human trafficking trade run by organised criminal gangs, which is appalling and must be stopped. But there's the hidden slavery too of children exploited and used within their own families, within organised and ritual abuse.
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- Author Michael Salter
In the past, child abuse has been a problem without a solution, with distressing case after case accumulating in public awareness without apparent end. At least the ‘false memory’ narrative offered a potential, if illusory and damaging, resolution to this intolerable situation, in the (re)suppression of victim complaints.
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- Author Robert Savosnick
Det er lettere å dømme minoritetsgrupper enn majoriteten. Minoriteten er den svake part. Det er lett å la den være hakkekyllingen.
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- Author Judith Lewis Herman
As recently as 1975, a basic American psychiatry textbook estimated that the frequency of all forms of incest as one case per million. [James Henderson, "Incest", in A. M. Freedman, H.I. Kaplan and B.J. Sadock, eds., Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 2nd ed. 1975 p. 1532.]
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- Author Zygmunt KrasiĆski
Kto się poświęcił dla dobra ludzi, powinien o ich sądzie zapomnieć. — Czy wiesz, kto jest bogiem nazarenów? Ten co dla zbawienia braci sam przystał na hańbę krzyża!
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- Author Sue Campbell
The framing of women’s abuse narratives as quasi-legal testimony encourages the public, as interpreters, to take the stance of cross-examiners who categorize forgetting as memory failure and insist on completeness and consistency of memory detail through all repeated tellings. The condensed, summarized, or fragmentary nature of abuse memories will rarely withstand this aggressive testing. Few people’s memories can.
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- Author Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
incest is unfortunately commonplace, but that recognition of this, is less so
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