85 Quotes About Solitary
- Author Jenim Dibie
You are alone,So alone,You speak back to silence.People call it loneliness,You call it solitude,Different words,Meaning the same pain.
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- Author David Nicholls
Lonely' is a troubling word and not one to be tossed around lightly. It makes people uncomfortable, summoning up as it does all kinds of harsher adjectives, like 'sad' or 'strange'. I have always been well liked, I think, always well regarded and respected, but having few enemies is not the same as having many friends, and there was no denying that I was, if not 'lonely', more solitary than I'd hoped to be at that time.
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- Author Akilnathan Logeswaran
At one point in your life you have to decide whether you want to become a sachem or a solitary.
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- Author Munia Khan
You will never feel alone, if you run down the stairs of loneliness; as every solitary step becomes your companion.
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- Author Peter Straub
Every writer must acknowledge and be able to handle the unalterable fact that he has, in effect, given himself a life sentence in solitary confinement.
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- Author Nathanael West
It's solitary drinking that makes drunkards.
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- Author Jonathan Franzen
The problem with making a virtual world of oneself is akin to the problem with projecting ourselves onto a cyberworld: there’s no end of virtual spaces in which to seek stimulation, but their very endlessness, the perpetual stimulation without satisfaction, becomes imprisoning.
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- Author Charlotte Eriksson
Are you in love? What makes your heart beat faster? What do you want people to think about when they hear your name.
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- Author Christine de Pizan
I do not consider my deeds or my knowledge to be a great thing. The only fact is — and I can say this honestly — that I love learning and a solitary life.
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