170 Quotes About Spiritualism

  • Author Nancy Rubin Stuart
  • Quote

    Spiritualism, born out of the same discontent with social restrictions and punitive theologies as the suffrage movement, ended up even sharing the same table. The subsequent meeting, at the Seneca Falls Universalist Wesleyan Church on July 19-20 would ignite the woman's suffrage movement, setting the stage for a seventy-two year battle that resulted in the 1920 passage of the Twenty-First Amendment.

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  • Author Margaret Atwood
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    I even spent a certain amount of time worrying about the Spiritualist doctrines: If The Other Side was so wonderful, why did the spirits devote most of their messages to warnings? Instead of telling their loved ones to avoid slippery stairs and unsafe cars and starchy foods, they should have been luring them over cliffs and bridges and into lakes, spurring them on to greater feats of intemperance and gluttony, in order to hasten their passage to the brighter shore.

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  • Author A.S. Byatt
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    But if there are spirits, I do not see why they are not everywhere, or may not be presumed to be so. You could argue that their voices may well be muffled by solid brick walls and thick plush furnishings and house-proud antimacassars. But the mahogany-polishers and the drapers' clerks are as much in need of salvation - as much desirous of assurance of a afterlife - as poets or peasants, in the last resort.

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  • Author Nancy Rubin Stuart
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    American spiritualism, -- a movement that at its peak claimed more than a million followers -- was born out of the basic human longing for contact with a loved one lost to death.

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  • Author Nancy Rubin Stuart
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    American spiritualism -- a movement that at its peak claimed more than a million followers -- was born out of the basic human longing for contact with a loved one lost to death. but to literalists, spiritualism's true spark came in 1848 from something no more or less powerful than a bored teenage girl.

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