277 Quotes About Taxes
- Author Penn Jillette
I, my own damn self, am not a Tea Party supporter. I disagree with them on social liberties, our overseas wars, Obama's birthplace, Sarah Palin, and the conspicuous absence of tea at their rallies.
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- Author Andrew Wilkow
The taxpayer is the new permanent underclass.
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- Author Kevin J. Anderson
So you and the lovely Agent Scully are going down to investigate?' Frohike said, sounding hopeful.'Yeah, we leave for Cancun tomorrow.''Our tax dollars at work,' Langly snorted.'I'd love to see Agent Scully with a healthy tropical tan,' Frohike said.'Down, Frohike,' Mulder said.
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- Author Denis Johnston
Let your voice be heard, whether or not it is to the taste of everyjack-in-office who may be obstructing the traffic. By all means, render untoCaesar that which is Caesar's -- but this does not necessarily includeeverything that he says is his.
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- Author Beric J. Croome
Even taxpayers have rights!
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- Author Jean Pierre Van Rossem
Ik constateer dat iedere minuut van je leven zit de staat om het hoekje, je stapt nog maar in je auto, je moet je veiligheidsgordel aan doen, decreet van de staat, je mag maar 120 per uur rijden, decreet van de staat, maar je mag wel 33% BTW betalen, aan de benzinepomp mag je wel 80% aan de staat afdragen, op ieder sigaret heb je weer staat, ik rook 7 pakjes per dag dus ik onderhoud de staat.
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- Author Friedrich der große
„Eine Regierung muss sparsam sein, weil das Geld, das sie erhält, aus dem Blut und Schweiß ihres Volkes stammt. Es ist gerecht, dass jeder einzelne dazu beiträgt, die Ausgaben des Staates tragen zu helfen. Aber es ist nicht gerecht, dass er die Hälfte seines jährlichen Einkommens mit dem Staate teilen muss.
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- Author K.L. Mitchell
[He] had introduced himself as a tax collector, and the conversation had gone downhill from there.
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- Author Richard Stark
You can steal in this country, you can rape and murder, you can bribe public officials, you can pollute the morals of the young, you can burn your place of business down for the insurance money, you can do almost anything you want, and if you act with just a little caution and common sense you’ll never even be indicted. But if you don’t pay your income tax, Grofield, you will go to jail.
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