355 Quotes About Things
- Author Val Uchendu
It is only with the heart that one can see, hear and feel clearly. Think of an image, music or movie that moves you. Things that we truly love touch our heart before our head analyzes them away. Once we think we understand them, they disappear... It is because simple things in life are invisible, inaudible and insensible to an analytical mind and an undiscerning heart. Let your heart hear the music -- be moved by images, people and places... for that makes you more alive than others.
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- Author Val Uchendu
It is only with the heart that one can see, hear and feel clearly. Think of an image, music or movie that moves you. Things that we truly love touches our heart before our head analyzes them away. Once we think we understand them, they disappear... It is because simple things in life are invisible, inaudible and insensible to an analytical mind and an undiscerning heart. Let your heart hear the music -- be moved by images, people and places... for that makes you more alive than others.
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- Author Val Uchendu
It is only with the heart that one can see, hear and feel clearly. Think of an image, music or movie that moves you. Things that we truly love touch our heart before our head analyze them away. Once we think we understand them, they disappear... It is because simple things in life are invisible, inaudible and insensible to an analytical mind and an undiscerning heart. Let your heart hear the music -- be moved by images, people and places... for that makes you more alive than others.
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- Author Enock Maregesi
Kuwa makini na kila kitu unachofanya kwa maana ubongo ni kitu cha ajabu, ubongo una uwezo wa kukupotosha.
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- Author Enock Maregesi
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- Author Enock Maregesi
Ukitambua vitu vya muhimu katika maisha yako hapa duniani na kuvipa kipaumbele cha kwanza, ukatumia kipaji ulichopewa na Mungu na ukafanya kazi kwa bidii na maarifa, halafu ukashindana na wenzako kuwa juu zaidi katika tasnia uliyojichagulia, ukafanya kila kitu kwa makini ukihofia maamuzi ya ubongo wako, utaacha urithi kwa faida ya vizazi vijavyo. Kuwa na akili, kuwa na uwezo wa kujiwekea malengo, kuwa mchapakazi hodari. Namna hiyo, hakuna kitakachoweza kushindikana.
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- Author Enock Maregesi
Sikujui. Lakini naamini hungependa kuishi maisha yako hapa duniani bila kuacha urithi au kumbukumbu ya aina yoyote katika jamii.
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- Author Enock Maregesi
Tambua vitu vya muhimu katika maisha yako ijapokuwa unaweza kuacha alama katika dunia bila kujitambua baada ya kuondoka.
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- Author Enock Maregesi
Tumia kipaji ulichopewa na Mungu.
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