3,100 Quotes About Thoughts

  • Author Virginia Woolf
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    How readily our thoughts swarm upon a new object, lifting it a little way, as ants carry a blade of straw so feverishly, and then leave it.

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  • Author Terri Windling
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    Although I've written a few (a very few) poems over the years, I am not a natural poet...and I remain in awe of people who are. The ability to evoke deep emotion, reveal a new facet of the world, or condense an entire story into the limited space and form of a poem (or likewise, of a good song lyric, or the text for a children's picture book) seems like pure magic to me.

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  • Author محمد الشموتي
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    عادةً ما يكونُ الإنسانُ الهادئ مُشتعلاً في داخله، ليسَ شرطاً أن يكونَ الهدوءُ علامةَ المثالية، المثالية ليست هادئةً أبداً، إنها تبدو كذلك من على السطح فقط، أما في العمق، تحتَ القشرة الخارجيةِ، فالإنسانُ المثالي: مُتناقضٌ بطبعه، يكتظُّ عقله بمئات الأفكار والتجارب التي ليس لها فُرصةٌ للخروج في ظلِّ خمولٍ فكري عام، وانتفاء أي بيئةٍ خصبة لازدهار الأفكار ونموها.

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  • Author S.J. Watson
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    Thoughts race, as if, in a mind devoid of memory, each idea has too much space to grow and move, to collide with others in a shower of sparks before spinning off into its own distance.

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