250 Quotes About Transgender
- Author Elijah C. Nealy
Being told you are not who you know yourself to be is trauma [page 321]
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- Author Rochelle H. Ragnarok
It’s not easy for a young gay fabulous boy in Japan, I should know, that’s why I became a woman.” Momma Nakama
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- Author Kate Bornstein S. Bear Bergman
I know what I am. I know that I've chosen to identify as a transgender woman, and that I am - by and large - happy with where I am in this world. I'm far from perfect, and I could give you a list as long as my arms of the things I'd love to change. Nevertheless, I am still here, and I am still me, and no one can change that without my permission.-Gwendolyn Ann Smith, "We're All Someone's Freak
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- Author Kate Bornstein S. Bear Bergman
Instead of saying that all gender is this or all gender id that, let's recognize that the word gender has scores of meanings built into it. It's an amalgamation of bodies, identities, and life experiences, subconscious urges, sensations, and behaviours, some of which develop organically, and others which are shaped by language and culture. Instead of saying that gender is any one single thing, let's start describing it as a holistic experience.
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- Author Riley Alexis Wood
A car with the right exterior, but the wrong parts, the wrong chassis. Boys just want the model that doesn’t take any mods to get it the way they like.
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- Author Meredith Russo
Everybody's got a pas. " he said. "That dosen't mean you can't have a future
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- Author Meredith Russo
Everybody's got a pas. " he said. "That doesn't mean you can't have a future
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- Author Alison Goodman
I found power in accepting the truth of who I am. It may not be a truth that others can accept, but I cannot live any other way. How would it be to live a lie every minute of your life?
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- Author Beatriz Preciado
Men and women are performative and somatic fictions, convinced of their natural reality.
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