211 Quotes About Travelling
- Author Lucy M. Long
Food is central to travelling and is a vivid entryway into another culture, but we do not have to literally leave home to “travel”. Movies, books, postcards, memories all take us, emotionally if not physically, to other places.
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- Author Zakariyya Sheikh
We will all have an end to this journey one day, some will have a great ending some will have it bad, but it’s the journey that they take that matters, in the end.
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- Author Matt Haig
When you stay too long in one place, you forget just how big an expanse the world is. You get no sense of the length of those longitudes and latitudes. Just as, she supposed, it is hard to have a sense of the vastness inside any one person.
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- Author David C. Moore
An entertaining must-read for any discerning traveller – Audley Traveller magazine
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- Author Shaikh Ashraf
Roaming is the easiest part, just wandering around, looking the places, imagining how people lived there at that time, breathing deeply the open air around there and feeling the best.
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- Author Amit Kalantri
With the selfies, a photographer has finally found his place in a photograph.
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- Author جلجامش نبيل
كنتُ أبحث عن إله يجيد الرقص كذاك الذي كان نيتشه ينشده، كنت أطير لأثبت قول مالارميه بأن "الرقص جناحان" يحلّقان بنا إلى الأماكن التي نحلم بزيارتها.
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- Author Alex Day
If real, regular, normal, boring life, (when you're at home every day, seeing the same people, doing the same things) is like sitting at home on the floor surrounded by toys... traveling feels to me like going to Toys R Us with your toy box and getting to trade stuff in and buy new things and explore whole new ideas.
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- Author Charlotte Eriksson
It’s just as hard to go back to a place you once left, as it is to leave it again.
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