276 Quotes About Turkish-thinkers
- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
Postman’s bag is always heavy because it carries the life itself: It carries all the sorrows and all the joys, all the worries and all the hopes!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
Pro-government press is not a press it is just a lie-generating ugly machine; it is a guard dog, guarding only the official thieves, not the public!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
While you are walking in a street, if you are not thinking about that street, we cannot say that you are walking in that street because you are always in the place where your mind is! Wherever you are, you can be in that place only by being at the present moment!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
The moment you think that there is no path before you, path disappears! The moment you think the opposite, path appears! All paths need people who see them!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
Когда вы обнаружите красивое дерево с прекрасными фруктами, остановитесь и возьмите фрукты, но не оставайтесь там, продолжайте идти, пока сами не станете прекрасным деревом с прекрасными фруктами!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
Wisdom is not a mysterious universe where your mind enters but it is a mysterious universe which enters your mind!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
Înţelepciunea lunii este mai mare decât cea a pământului, întrucât luna vede mai bine universul decât o poate face pământul!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
If you keep fighting with yourself, you will have less energy to fight with life!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
Luna este un bun pescar; orice ochi este prins în plasa sa.
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